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(RESEARCH) Music Video Analysis: Stormzy - "Big For Your Boots"

Updated: May 25, 2022

This music video "Big For Your Boots" presents the artist, Stormzy, in many different settings in attempts to anchor himself as a Brit and a man of the people whilst performing his song all about coming from nothing to something.

Stormzy does this through some of the representations of ethnicity and class in the music video. Ethnicity, in the music video, is presented to be very diverse and wide ranging in class because in the scene of the block of flats, in a deprived area of England, we see black and mixed race people surrounding Stormzy as he performs the opening to the song and the fact that this is shown to us right at the beginning of the song could be in-keeping with the idea that this represents the beginning and the upcoming of Stormzy's life.

Later on, we have a new setting and it is Stormzy with his "new girl" in a Chicken Shop "Morley's" setting which anchors again to the traditional Briton that would grow up in London or any lower class background as it is renown amongst everyone that Chicken Shops are a supreme place to eat although being "designed" for the lower class. The significance of placing Stormzy in a Chicken Shop with a different costume is that it shows that he never leaves his roots and he sticks to the things that got him to the place he is now and therefore seem very appealing to the working class as they are often forgotten about once someone has moved on from that life style and therefore in turn causes Stormzy to have a massive appeal amongst them, which is why he as popular as he is today.

During this scene, we get a complete mise-en-scene change over with a new costume for our performer and we get a new set of characters join us that are all of the description of a typical "geezer" in England, which has been done deliberately to anchor the setting, deprived area, and reinforce the idea that Stormzy is the man of the people. This is further embedded through the colour of the hoodie, as that seems to almost identically match the skin colour of all these people in the background. Therefore, this evidently shows that he is the chosen one to represent, help and guide these people.

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