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(RESEARCH) Codes and Conventions of a Website for an Artist:

When it comes to an artist ready website it has to catch the audience‘s attention instantly and what better way to do that is then a high quality image of the artist. Generally, most artists will have the first thing seen after clicking on the website is the artist. This is because of the theory of consumerism, we are always being sold to and the artist is always doing everything to appeal to its audience, this applies to this because these images were selected for a reason and that being because they sell the artist in the best way plus it makes them look appealing. Therefore, having images of the artist(s) is a generic convention of an artist website.

Another thing that I have noticed to be a generic convention of an artist website it having a clear and clean logo of the artist somewhere on the skyline. This is so that the artist are easily identifiable and recognisable. Additionally, this logo doesn’t just appear on the website, it is repeated on virtually every platform that they use so that it becomes engraved into the audience “when they see the logo they think of them” that kind of thought process. Furthermore, its important to notice that a house style has to be maintained and that being the colours and font have to remain in equilibrium so nothing feels or is out of place meaning you have to stick to a given house style. Therefore, an artist logo and house style are both generic conventions of a website for an artist.

Another generic convention of a website for an artist is promotional material. This can come in many variations, for example, as can be seen by the headline because it reads “OUT NOW - When You See Yourself” which is clearly promoting a new song that has recently released. However, it can also come in video content like the artist(s) directly speaking to the audience saying things about a new song, tour dates or new album. Therefore, promotional material is a generic convention of a website for an artist.

Another generic convention is an “About Me/Us” part of the website just talking about who the artist is, why they are here, accomplishments they‘ve had, etc. This so if the viewer wants to find out a bit more about the artist they can easily do that. Therefore, this is a generic convention of a website for an artist.

Another generic convention is tour dates and locations. This is just a part of the website where the artist(s) tell their audience where they will be performing and when they will be there.

The final convention that I picked up on was the use of a shop/merchandise area where you can directly buy from the artists like shirts, vinyls, CDs, tour tickets, etc. This is a good way of establishing yourself as an artist becomes if people wear the merchandise it is further promotion of the artist. Therefore, some kind of place where the audience members, mostly fans, can buy from the artist(s) is a generic convention.

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